
Archive for the ‘War Plans’ Category

A war plan for tonight

July 8, 2011 Leave a comment

Hello Everyone!

Tonight I’m going to a dance bar in Tel Aviv (probably by my self, which is again a bummer) since my last AFC friend got himself a GF. My war plan will consist of the following:


  1. The Fight opener
  2. The Needy girlfriend opener
Probably going to open with the needy girlfriend and then when the conversation will die out, incorporate the ‘Fight opener’ – it should bring some more drama to keep the pace.
Then, I’m going to ask: “So ladies, how do you all know each other?” [They will respond with something] And I’ll say: You’re probably best friends / recently met, then perform the best friends test on them, hopefully not DLVing myself on the way.
Next phase – locking in and starting natural conversation, possibly introduce also the 5 questions game.
Negs I am going to use:
  1. Look at how her nose wiggles as she speaks! LOL
  2. Did anyone ever tell you you blink a lot?
  3. “Slow down, let me put in a word… jesus, how do you put up with her?”
  4. You know, I can see that you and I will never get a long… we’re too similar”
  5. Wow, that’s a nice hair color. is it
Today I want to concentrate on my inner game. I’m not expecting much , but I want to be able to keep a conversation for as long as I can and be able to lock into a set. If I’ll succeed here – the evening will be considered as a success!
Wish me luck people!
Categories: War Plans